File reading is important in android. For the put the files in the assets folder.
We can able to read
- foldername
- filename
- Contents of the file
First we read the name of the folder.
private String folder_array[]; AssetManager mngr_spinner = getAssets(); try { //"air" is the name of the folder... folder_array= mngr_spinner.list( "air" ); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } |
“folder_array” contains all the names of the folder
Then if the path is set to
folder_array= mngr_spinner.list( "air/Buttons Events" ); |
Then the list of file name is got.
If you want to read the file content then do the following..
InputStream is; try { is = getAssets().open(air/Buttons Events/filename); int siz = is.available(); byte [] buffer = new byte [siz];; //This text contains the content of the file.. String text = new String(buffer); is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Toast.makeText(CheatSheet. this , "File Not Found Error.Please ensure that file is not deleted." , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } |
Hi Guys. Great site.
Android question: Say person has an eReader app (eg Kindle or others). Is it possible for another app to know what book titles have been downloaded or streamed?
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