Using of CCWaves in iPhone
CCWaves is one of the interesting functionalities in Cocos2D iphone. Check out this following snippet to see how it works. Please leave your valuable comments on this post………………….
CCWaves is one of the interesting functionalities in Cocos2D iphone. Check out this following snippet to see how it works. Please leave your valuable comments on this post………………….
Hello all.. This simple example will show you how to change the hint text color in android Here is the java code to simply do this. here is a sample project to view the difference. This is the contents of the main java file. The main.xml file Here I am setting a read color to… Read More »
Hello all…… We may need to know that what is your current device orientation. Using the below code you can do this. Note: If you have to explicitly set the orientation of your phone to any of the above you can set this in the appDelegate.m file. You can put an “||” (OR) symbol in… Read More »
Set background color to magenta. CCColorLayer* colorLayer = [CCColorLayer layerWithColor:ccc4(255, 0, 255, 255)]; [self addChild:colorLayer z:0]; //Changing the color of a sprite…. ((CCSprite*)node).color = ccRED; // This will change the sprite color to RED.
Hello all…. I have covered many tutorials on styles on how to implement and use them. Today I will show you how to inherit from other styles or how to extend a style already created by you and use it for applying to other views. Here is one of my previous posts. Another one… Read More »
On implementing the onGestureListener you can get the events like Fling LongPress Scroll ShowPress SingleTap Its really simple, otherwise we have to calculate the distance between the touchdown and touchup event to check a fling event is happened or not.
Hello……… Sometimes you may want your body to act against the gravity of the world. One method to do this is described below. First what you have to do is to make a body in the shape of a circle and give it the image of a balloon as the userdata. Then in the tick… Read More »
The following code simply allows you to select a date and time using the datepicker and timepicker in ANDROID.
Here is a simple example to copy an image to another image file in ANDROID. In this example a button click will open the gallery and after that it will be copied to another image file. You have to check the File-explorer to find the file. This is the java code for doing it. here… Read More »
Hey all… This is a very simple thing to do in android. Just copy this code to see this. here is the main java file And this is the layout file main.xml
You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »
The progress timer takes a sprite and, based on a percentage, displays only a part of it to visualize some kind of progress in your game. You can choose between radial, vertical, and horizontal progress timers. But the timer doesn’t update itself. You have to change the timer’s percentage value frequently to update the progress.
You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »
You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »
You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »
Hi all …….. Ofter we have trouble with loading continous images in ANDROID from our application directory. The reason is that all resources have a unique resource ID which we need to get to load these resources. The following example shows how to get these unique identifier from the “path” of the resource. For example… Read More »
Shortcuts are really useful feature in android. This example also explains how to create shortcut for your app in the desktop of your android phone. This is the complete code of an application which creates a shortcut of this app in the homescreen. Note : You need to add permission for this to work. Now… Read More »
Note:you need to give permissions for it.
Use CCMenuItemSprite and CCMenu in iPhone to create menu. call this function to set up the menu for your home page in your iPhone game or you can change this code directly to ANDROID and it will work. Make sure you have all the images mentioned in the above example. This menu will appear on… Read More »
Use CCMenuItemSprite and CCMenu in iPhone to create menu. call this function to set up the menu for your home page in your iPhone game or you can change this code directly to ANDROID and it will work. Make sure you have all the images mentioned in the above example. This menu will appear on… Read More »
Use CCMenuItemSprite and CCMenu in iPhone to create menu. call this function to set up the menu for your home page in your iPhone game or you can change this code directly to ANDROID and it will work. Make sure you have all the images mentioned in the above example. This menu will appear on… Read More »
Use CCMenuItemSprite and CCMenu in iPhone to create menu. call this function to set up the menu for your home page in your iPhone game or you can change this code directly to ANDROID and it will work. Make sure you have all the images mentioned in the above example. This menu will appear on… Read More »
Hello everyone, Check out the popular posts from Uploading and Downloading of files – Popular and Useful posts from CoderzHeaven In one of the previous posts I have shown one method to upload an image in android. Here is another method to upload a media file like images,audio or video in android. Here is… Read More »
Many of our application reqiures sending data from one intent to another. This is done by putting data into one intent using putExtras() and getting it in the other intent using the getExtras() which matches the string value. However you can pass string, boolean, integer etc between intents. For passing data between intents you need… Read More »
The following code helps you to invoke a phone call in ANDROID without any user interaction. This code uses intent to start the activity. You know that intent can be used to start another acitivty from with in an application. Dialing a number is done using this code… and Calling number using