If you are a game developer then you will always need a sequence of images to be animated & the best way to do it is via sprite sheet animations. But how can a sprite sheet be made? Suppose you have a sequence of images of any animations, how will you convert it into a sprite sheet-which is easy to render and manipulate?
Here I am going to teach you how to make sprite sheets from the sequence of images you have. Those sprite sheets and corresponding plist can be easily used for animations using Cocos2D in iPhone game development as well.
Making of cocos2D sprite sheet animations can be found in the post here.
Step 1 : Go to ‘Zwoptex’ Flash Site. Here is the link-> http://zwoptexapp.com/flashversion
Wait until it loads!
Step 2 : Import Images from the File Menu
Step 3 : Select all the sequence of images you want in the sprite sheet and Open
Step 4 : Arrange the Images you uploaded as you like, by name, width, height etc
Step 5 : Select all the images from the Edit Menu
Step 6 : Untrim the selected images.
Note : Never ever leave Step 6!
Step 7 : Click Export Texture from File menu for exporting your sprite sheet image
Step 8 : Click Export Coordinates from File menu for exporting your Plist
Done! Now you have the sprite sheet and corresponding Plist!
Caution/Note : Always use individual images having SAME width and SAME height! In this example I used (you can see from screen shots!) images having different width (intentionally!) for just out of no reason I want to show a running sprites! So always use images having same width and height while making sprite sheets & never ever leave ‘Untrim’ selected images step 6!
Enjoy! If you have any doubts feel free to ask it in comments.
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