Below code shows how to create a new popUp window in Adobe AIR or FLEX.
To create a new window “right click on the src folder and create a new MXML Component named Here “MyLoginForm” It should be aTitleWindow for the example below.
How ever You can create other components, but the code accordingly must change.
import mx.managers.PopUpManager; import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject; import myComponents.MyLoginForm; // Additional import statement to use the TitleWindow container. import mx.containers.TitleWindow; private function showLogin():void { // Create the TitleWindow container. var helpWindow:TitleWindow = TitleWindow(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, MyLoginForm, false)); // Add title to the title bar. helpWindow.title="Enter Login Information"; // Make title bar slightly transparent. helpWindow.setStyle("borderAlpha", 0.9); // Add a close button. // To close the container, your must also handle the close event. helpWindow.showCloseButton=true; } ]]>