A beginner to Pointers in C often perplexed by different operators & and *
Let’s see what it really is and how simple it is.
& – This operator gives ‘the address of’ a variable
* – This operator gives ‘the value at address’ of a variable
(Note! Note! Note! Not the other way round! By heart it any way!)
Let’s codes speak…
#includemain() { int myVariable = 25; printf("n Address of myVariable = %u", &myVariable); printf("n Value of myVariable = %u", myVariable); printf("n Value of myVariable = %u", *(&myVariable)); }
So… the output…
Address of myVariable = 7589
//7589 is the address in memory of the variable myVariable
Value of myVariable = 25
//It simply printed the ‘myVariable’ which contains 25
Value of myVariable = 25
// Please do note that it printed ‘the value at address’ of ‘myVariable’
// Address is passed via &myVariable