How to find a leap year using C# ?

By | April 18, 2011


Sometimes you may need to find whether a particular year is leap year or not. But how can you find out whether a particular year is leap year or not in C# ? Use the following code.

using System;
class MainClass
  public static void Main()
    bool myResult= DateTime.IsLeapYear(2011);
    Console.WriteLine("Is the year 2011 a leap year ? = " + myResult);

And the output is,
Is the year 2011 a leap year ? = False


2 thoughts on β€œHow to find a leap year using C# ?”

  1. Dharmendra

    In sql

    declare @num int;
    set @num=1996;
    select case when (@num%4)=0 and ((@num%100)0 and (@num%400)0) then β€˜Yes’ else β€˜no’ end;

    Reply ↓

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