SQLiteManager plugin for eclipse

By | January 9, 2017

When you are working on an Android application that stores data in a SQLite database.There arise many questions like

  • where does this database file get stored on the filesystem ?
  • How can we access the database?

I will give solution to all these problems. I created the SQLite database from my previous post
about Using SQLite in ANDROID

You can see the sqlite database in eclipse by opening File Explorer .
Then navigate to “/data/data/package_name/databases

But here we cannot see the tables and table data.
For viewing the table details Eclipse has a plugin. You can download the jar from below.

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Download the jar from the sqlite manager from here.

Now put the jar in the folder


and restart the eclipse and now you can see the sqlitemanager plugin on the top right of the File Explorer window.

It will be enabled when you click on the DB file in the File Explorer Window.


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By clicking the icon [after selecting the db file], sqliteManager Window comes and here we can see the table structure.


and then the Browse Data tab shows the whole data


Hopefully i think you cleared all doubts about SqliteManager Plugin

Note : If you’re using a plug-in for which no Update Site is available, you can use the “dropins” folder in your Eclipse installation directory.

Plug-ins are typically distributed as .jar files. To add a plug-in to your Eclipse installation, put the plug-in .jar file into the Eclipse “dropins” folder and restart Eclipse. Eclipse should detect the new plug-in and install it for you.

Note : if your SQLiteManager Plugin is not enabled, then check your sqlite db file extension. It should be a “.db” extension.


Check out more similar posts on SQLite in Android below.

68 thoughts on “SQLiteManager plugin for eclipse

  1. Pingback: Using SQLite in ANDROID, A really simple example. | Coderz Heaven

  2. teja

    i couldn’t find my package under /data/data/… how can i push my database into eclipse?

  3. jettimadhu Chowdary

    Hi, Thanks for Posting.
    Here I am unable to download the Sqlitemanger_1 jar.Can you have any alternate posts to download this file..

    1. Soorya

      frnd…..now the link is enabled…you can download…thans

    1. Rajat

      Yes.. this works… Thanks

      Users: you need to go to download section to download

      1. James Post author

        Users can just download the plugin from here and just update the eclipse you have, The SQLIte manager will also be updated along with other update.

  4. Pingback: Working with SQLite databases through command Line in android. | Coderz Heaven

  5. Pingback: Working with SQLite databases through command Line in android … | Programmer Solution

  6. Santhosh Kumar

    In my Eclipse Sqlitemanager plugin its looks very dull on the top right of the File Explorer window i could not click it (Sqlitemanager is looking like a showdow)what should i do now? Help me!!!

    1. James Post author

      First select the db file then only it will highlight.

  7. sylwester


    Sorry of my English – don’t use this language.

    1. download plugin in this site:

    2. place this file ( com.questoid.sqlitemanager_1.0.0.jar ) in dropins folder or my eclipse ( e:programs/eclipse/dropins ).

    3. this file don’t work, why?

    4. search this bug in google, find, but my English very low and don’t understand.

    pleas help me, thank You.

    1. James Post author

      Hello sylwester :- Did you restart the eclipse?

      1. sylwester

        Yes, restart Eclipse, and restart OS ( WindowsXP sp3, 32bit ) and don’t work 🙁

        Eclipse Galileo ( 3.5.1 )

  8. khushbu joshi

    Sylwester -> when you create database name it as “dbname.db” i.e give.db as extension this will i hope best luck

    1. khushi

      when you create database name it as “dbname.db” i.e give.db as extension this will i hope best luck

  9. Pingback: Cara Melihat Database Yang Tersimpan Di Android (Emulator) – Eclipse | ayo belajar sama – sama …

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  11. Pingback: How can I see my created tables structure in Sqlite with out using any commands : Android Community - For Application Development

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  14. Rene

    Thanks for dveloping this plugin!!!
    Works like a charm (Eclipse 3.7 Indigo), checked on 7″ tablet (4.03) and SGS3 (4.12)

    Cheers, Rene

  15. Pingback: Stop a 2nd Android Emulator opening up : Android Community - For Application Development

    1. James Post author

      Reset the adb from command prompt or using Devices view.

  16. Pingback: Android Development Tools | androidmyway

  17. Dan

    I’ve reset and updated my eclipse and it still won’t show up. What gives?

  18. Bemytthm

    Im using Android Developer Tools, v22.6.2-1085508 which includes Eclipse 4.3.1 inside. I try to use your instructions by adding the plugin but the symbol looks disable.
    There is no newer update for Android Developer Tools.

  19. !tihS

    That method didnt help me. I put the jar file on the dropins folder on eclipse and restart eclipse and my Eclipse is crash with a statement “An error has occurred. See log file”

    Thanks for destroying my eclipse and i cannot make my project because of that stupid jar file.

  20. sai

    there is no database folder in my ddms how can i open it
    the ddms contains
    data>data>my app>cache>lib
    there is no database folder

      1. sai

        i have already an app with sq lite database there is no database folder and
        my emulator also not working it shows unfortunately your app is stopped
        plz solve my problem

        1. sai

          i can’t open my database in ddms
          because there is no database folder in ddms
          how can i open my db

  21. kumar

    i have already an app with sq lite database there is no database folder and
    my emulator also not working it shows unfortunately your app is stopped
    plz solve my problem

    1. James Post author

      Hi Kumar,

      Please check the Logcat and see the reason for the crash. It has nothing to do with the SQLite Manager Plugin.


  22. Borja

    Hi, when I restart Eclipse and go to file explorer, the DDBB symbol is disabled, Eclipse Luna with ADT plugin…
    Thanks in advance.

  23. Borja

    It’s strange, in the emulator, I have the database, but in a real device no.

    1. James Post author

      Hey Borja ,

      In real device also there is the DB, its in the application sandbox, you can see it if your device is rooted, else create the DB in the SDCARD.

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  29. Pingback: android - Non è in grado di aprire file di database in SQLite manager plugin per eclipse?

  30. GBWhatsApp

    Your post is helping me a lot. Its really nice and epic. Thanks a lot for the useful info on this topic. You did it so much well. Also share more posts with us. Thank you.

  31. Pingback: How to view data saved in android database(SQLite)?

  32. Pingback: ¿Cómo ver los datos guardados en la base de datos de Android (SQLite)? - Fallosweb.com

  33. Pingback: How to view data saved in android database(SQLite)? – w3toppers.com

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