Downloading an image in corona is really easy.
Check out the example.
module(..., package .seeall) _W = display.contentWidth; _H = display.contentHeight; function new () local grp = display.newGroup(); local myImage; local function networkListener( event ) if ( event.isError ) then print ( "Network error - download failed" ) else myImage = display.newImage( "helloCopy.png" , system.TemporaryDirectory, 60 , 40 ) myImage.alpha = 0 myImage, { alpha = 1.0 } ) end print ( "RESPONSE: " .. event.response ) grp:insert(myImage) end "" , "GET" , networkListener, "helloCopy.png" , system.TemporaryDirectory ) return grp; end |
Check the console to see where the downloaded file is saved.
Download the complete source code from here.