We have to override the getBodyContentType() method in volley to enable “form-urlencoded parameters” in POST request using Volley.
Here is how the code will look like.
If you are not familiar with Volley, Checkout my post here on volley. It will give you a perfect picture on what Volley can do.
Code – Method 1
StringRequest jsonObjRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, getResources().getString(R.string.base_url), new Response.Listener<String>() { @Override public void onResponse(String response) { Log.i(TAG, "Success"); } }, new Response.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { VolleyLog.d("volley", "Error: " + error.getMessage()); error.printStackTrace(); Log.e(TAG, "Success"); } }) { @Override public String getBodyContentType() { return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"; } @Override protected Map<String, String> getParams() throws AuthFailureError { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("username", edtUsername.getText().toString().trim()); params.put("password", edtPwd.getText().toString().trim()); return params; } }; AppController.getInstance().addToRequestQueue(jsonObjRequest);
Here is another method for achieving the same thing.
Code – Method 2
We will create post body first where we will specify the encoding.
public static final String BOUNDARY = "ANY_STRING"; private String createPostBody(Map<String, String> params) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String key : params.keySet()) { if (params.get(key) != null) { sb.append("\r\n" + "--" + BOUNDARY + "\r\n"); sb.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + key + "\"" + "\r\n\r\n"); sb.append(params.get(key)); } } return sbPost.toString(); }
Override the getBody() function
We will use the Post Body here in this function.
@Override public byte[] getBody() { Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.add("user_id", userId); String postBody = createPostBody(params); return postBody.getBytes(); }
Override the getHeaders() function
You will need to override getHeaders() as well to tell the server what you boundary is :
@Override public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError { final HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); headers.put("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary=" + BOUNDARY;); return headers; }
Please post your comments here about this article.
Hi, what would be the parameters if I want to post a JSONArray?
JSON Array can also be converted to a string. Once converted, you can post it like you do with a normal String.
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