In this demo we will create a flutter app that communicates with the Server and create a table, insert records, update records, fetch all records and delete records.
The Data from the Server will be displayed in a DataTable.
Watch Video Tutorial
Here I am using XAMPP to create a local Server.
You can download XAMPP from here.
If you want to learn using SQLite in Flutter, then follow this link.
Server Side
In the Server I am creating a script inside a folder named “EmployeesDB”.
We will we connecting to the database and do a insert, update, select and delete in the database.
The script will look like this
<?php $servername = "localhost" ; $username = "root" ; $password = "" ; $dbname = "TestDB" ; $table = "Employees" ; // lets create a table named Employees. // we will get actions from the app to do operations in the database... $action = $_POST [ "action" ]; // Create Connection $conn = new mysqli( $servername , $username , $password , $dbname ); // Check Connection if ( $conn ->connect_error){ die ( "Connection Failed: " . $conn ->connect_error); return ; } // If connection is OK... // If the app sends an action to create the table... if ( "CREATE_TABLE" == $action ){ $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table ( id INT(6) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL )"; if ( $conn ->query( $sql ) === TRUE){ // send back success message echo "success" ; } else { echo "error" ; } $conn ->close(); return ; } // Get all employee records from the database if ( "GET_ALL" == $action ){ $db_data = array (); $sql = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name from $table ORDER BY id DESC" ; $result = $conn ->query( $sql ); if ( $result ->num_rows > 0){ while ( $row = $result ->fetch_assoc()){ $db_data [] = $row ; } // Send back the complete records as a json echo json_encode( $db_data ); } else { echo "error" ; } $conn ->close(); return ; } // Add an Employee if ( "ADD_EMP" == $action ){ // App will be posting these values to this server $first_name = $_POST [ "first_name" ]; $last_name = $_POST [ "last_name" ]; $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('$first_name', '$last_name')" ; $result = $conn ->query( $sql ); echo "success" ; $conn ->close(); return ; } // Remember - this is the server file. // I am updating the server file. // Update an Employee if ( "UPDATE_EMP" == $action ){ // App will be posting these values to this server $emp_id = $_POST [ 'emp_id' ]; $first_name = $_POST [ "first_name" ]; $last_name = $_POST [ "last_name" ]; $sql = "UPDATE $table SET first_name = '$first_name', last_name = '$last_name' WHERE id = $emp_id" ; if ( $conn ->query( $sql ) === TRUE){ echo "success" ; } else { echo "error" ; } $conn ->close(); return ; } // Delete an Employee if ( 'DELETE_EMP' == $action ){ $emp_id = $_POST [ 'emp_id' ]; $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id = $emp_id" ; // don't need quotes since id is an integer. if ( $conn ->query( $sql ) === TRUE){ echo "success" ; } else { echo "error" ; } $conn ->close(); return ; } ?> |
Flutter Side
Now we have the server side ready. Next we will create the model class for the object coming from the Server.
Its an employee record which has an id, first_name and a last_name. You can look at the create table query in the php code above.
Employee Model
Create a new file named Employee.dart and copy the below contents.
class Employee { String id; String firstName; String lastName; Employee({ this .id, this .firstName, this .lastName}); factory Employee.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { return Employee( id: json[ 'id' ] as String, firstName: json[ 'first_name' ] as String, lastName: json[ 'last_name' ] as String, ); } } |
Now we will create a service class to call the Webs Services with the proper action like create, update etc.
Create a new file named Services.dart and copy this code into it.
import 'dart:convert' ; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; // add the http plugin in pubspec.yaml file. import 'Employee.dart' ; class Services { static const ROOT = 'http://localhost/EmployeesDB/employee_actions.php' ; static const _CREATE_TABLE_ACTION = 'CREATE_TABLE' ; static const _GET_ALL_ACTION = 'GET_ALL' ; static const _ADD_EMP_ACTION = 'ADD_EMP' ; static const _UPDATE_EMP_ACTION = 'UPDATE_EMP' ; static const _DELETE_EMP_ACTION = 'DELETE_EMP' ; // Method to create the table Employees. static Future<String> createTable() async { try { // add the parameters to pass to the request. var map = Map<String, dynamic>(); map[ 'action' ] = _CREATE_TABLE_ACTION; final response = await, body: map); print( 'Create Table Response: ${response.body}' ); if ( 200 == response.statusCode) { return response.body; } else { return "error" ; } } catch (e) { return "error" ; } } static Future<List<Employee>> getEmployees() async { try { var map = Map<String, dynamic>(); map[ 'action' ] = _GET_ALL_ACTION; final response = await, body: map); print( 'getEmployees Response: ${response.body}' ); if ( 200 == response.statusCode) { List<Employee> list = parseResponse(response.body); return list; } else { return List<Employee>(); } } catch (e) { return List<Employee>(); // return an empty list on exception/error } } static List<Employee> parseResponse(String responseBody) { final parsed = json.decode(responseBody).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>(); return<Employee>((json) => Employee.fromJson(json)).toList(); } // Method to add employee to the database... static Future<String> addEmployee(String firstName, String lastName) async { try { var map = Map<String, dynamic>(); map[ 'action' ] = _ADD_EMP_ACTION; map[ 'first_name' ] = firstName; map[ 'last_name' ] = lastName; final response = await, body: map); print( 'addEmployee Response: ${response.body}' ); if ( 200 == response.statusCode) { return response.body; } else { return "error" ; } } catch (e) { return "error" ; } } // Method to update an Employee in Database... static Future<String> updateEmployee( String empId, String firstName, String lastName) async { try { var map = Map<String, dynamic>(); map[ 'action' ] = _UPDATE_EMP_ACTION; map[ 'emp_id' ] = empId; map[ 'first_name' ] = firstName; map[ 'last_name' ] = lastName; final response = await, body: map); print( 'updateEmployee Response: ${response.body}' ); if ( 200 == response.statusCode) { return response.body; } else { return "error" ; } } catch (e) { return "error" ; } } // Method to Delete an Employee from Database... static Future<String> deleteEmployee(String empId) async { try { var map = Map<String, dynamic>(); map[ 'action' ] = _DELETE_EMP_ACTION; map[ 'emp_id' ] = empId; final response = await, body: map); print( 'deleteEmployee Response: ${response.body}' ); if ( 200 == response.statusCode) { return response.body; } else { return "error" ; } } catch (e) { return "error" ; // returning just an "error" string to keep this simple... } } } |
In the above code you can see that we are using the http package for service calls and the post parameters are sent in the form of a map.
To include the http package update your pubspec.yaml file like this
dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter http: "0.11.3+17" ... |
Let’s create the Main UI.
We will be displaying the employee list in a DataTable.
The below code will create a DataTable with columns ID, FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, DELETE (action).
// Let's create a DataTable and show the employee list in it. SingleChildScrollView _dataBody() { // Both Vertical and Horozontal Scrollview for the DataTable to // scroll both Vertical and Horizontal... return SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.vertical, child: SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, child: DataTable( columns: [ DataColumn( label: Text( 'ID' ), ), DataColumn( label: Text( 'FIRST NAME' ), ), DataColumn( label: Text( 'LAST NAME' ), ), // Lets add one more column to show a delete button DataColumn( label: Text( 'DELETE' ), ) ], rows: _employees .map( (employee) => DataRow(cells: [ DataCell( Text(, // Add tap in the row and populate the // textfields with the corresponding values to update onTap: () { _showValues(employee); // Set the Selected employee to Update _selectedEmployee = employee; setState(() { _isUpdating = true ; }); }, ), DataCell( Text( employee.firstName.toUpperCase(), ), onTap: () { _showValues(employee); // Set the Selected employee to Update _selectedEmployee = employee; // Set flag updating to true to indicate in Update Mode setState(() { _isUpdating = true ; }); }, ), DataCell( Text( employee.lastName.toUpperCase(), ), onTap: () { _showValues(employee); // Set the Selected employee to Update _selectedEmployee = employee; setState(() { _isUpdating = true ; }); }, ), DataCell(IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.delete), onPressed: () { _deleteEmployee(employee); }, )) ]), ) .toList(), ), ), ); } |
The variable employees is initialized by getting employees from the service by calling the getEmployees() function in the Services class.The getEmployees() will return a json with fields id, first_name and last_name which will be mapped to the Employee object by using Employee.fromJson() method.
_getEmployees() { _showProgress( 'Loading Employees...' ); Services.getEmployees().then((employees) { setState(() { _employees = employees; }); _showProgress(widget.title); // Reset the title... print( "Length ${employees.length}" ); }); } |
Similarly we can have Insert, Update and Delete actions.
The Complete UI will look like this…
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' ; import 'Employee.dart' ; import 'Services.dart' ; class DataTableDemo extends StatefulWidget { // DataTableDemo() : super (); final String title = 'Flutter Data Table' ; @override DataTableDemoState createState() => DataTableDemoState(); } class DataTableDemoState extends State<DataTableDemo> { List<Employee> _employees; GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> _scaffoldKey; // controller for the First Name TextField we are going to create. TextEditingController _firstNameController; // controller for the Last Name TextField we are going to create. TextEditingController _lastNameController; Employee _selectedEmployee; bool _isUpdating; String _titleProgress; @override void initState() { super .initState(); _employees = []; _isUpdating = false ; _titleProgress = widget.title; _scaffoldKey = GlobalKey(); // key to get the context to show a SnackBar _firstNameController = TextEditingController(); _lastNameController = TextEditingController(); _getEmployees(); } // Method to update title in the AppBar Title _showProgress(String message) { setState(() { _titleProgress = message; }); } _showSnackBar(context, message) { _scaffoldKey.currentState.showSnackBar( SnackBar( content: Text(message), ), ); } _createTable() { _showProgress( 'Creating Table...' ); Services.createTable().then((result) { if ( 'success' == result) { // Table is created successfully. _showSnackBar(context, result); _showProgress(widget.title); } }); } // Now lets add an Employee _addEmployee() { if (_firstNameController.text.isEmpty || _lastNameController.text.isEmpty) { print( 'Empty Fields' ); return ; } _showProgress( 'Adding Employee...' ); Services.addEmployee(_firstNameController.text, _lastNameController.text) .then((result) { if ( 'success' == result) { _getEmployees(); // Refresh the List after adding each employee... _clearValues(); } }); } _getEmployees() { _showProgress( 'Loading Employees...' ); Services.getEmployees().then((employees) { setState(() { _employees = employees; }); _showProgress(widget.title); // Reset the title... print( "Length ${employees.length}" ); }); } _updateEmployee(Employee employee) { setState(() { _isUpdating = true ; }); _showProgress( 'Updating Employee...' ); Services.updateEmployee(, _firstNameController.text, _lastNameController.text) .then((result) { if ( 'success' == result) { _getEmployees(); // Refresh the list after update setState(() { _isUpdating = false ; }); _clearValues(); } }); } _deleteEmployee(Employee employee) { _showProgress( 'Deleting Employee...' ); Services.deleteEmployee( { if ( 'success' == result) { _getEmployees(); // Refresh after delete... } }); } // Method to clear TextField values _clearValues() { _firstNameController.text = '' ; _lastNameController.text = '' ; } _showValues(Employee employee) { _firstNameController.text = employee.firstName; _lastNameController.text = employee.lastName; } // Let's create a DataTable and show the employee list in it. SingleChildScrollView _dataBody() { // Both Vertical and Horozontal Scrollview for the DataTable to // scroll both Vertical and Horizontal... return SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.vertical, child: SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, child: DataTable( columns: [ DataColumn( label: Text( 'ID' ), ), DataColumn( label: Text( 'FIRST NAME' ), ), DataColumn( label: Text( 'LAST NAME' ), ), // Lets add one more column to show a delete button DataColumn( label: Text( 'DELETE' ), ) ], rows: _employees .map( (employee) => DataRow(cells: [ DataCell( Text(, // Add tap in the row and populate the // textfields with the corresponding values to update onTap: () { _showValues(employee); // Set the Selected employee to Update _selectedEmployee = employee; setState(() { _isUpdating = true ; }); }, ), DataCell( Text( employee.firstName.toUpperCase(), ), onTap: () { _showValues(employee); // Set the Selected employee to Update _selectedEmployee = employee; // Set flag updating to true to indicate in Update Mode setState(() { _isUpdating = true ; }); }, ), DataCell( Text( employee.lastName.toUpperCase(), ), onTap: () { _showValues(employee); // Set the Selected employee to Update _selectedEmployee = employee; setState(() { _isUpdating = true ; }); }, ), DataCell(IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.delete), onPressed: () { _deleteEmployee(employee); }, )) ]), ) .toList(), ), ), ); } // UI @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( key: _scaffoldKey, appBar: AppBar( title: Text(_titleProgress), // we show the progress in the title... actions: <Widget>[ IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.add), onPressed: () { _createTable(); }, ), IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.refresh), onPressed: () { _getEmployees(); }, ) ], ), body: Container( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all( 20.0 ), child: TextField( controller: _firstNameController, decoration: InputDecoration.collapsed( hintText: 'First Name' , ), ), ), Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all( 20.0 ), child: TextField( controller: _lastNameController, decoration: InputDecoration.collapsed( hintText: 'Last Name' , ), ), ), // Add an update button and a Cancel Button // show these buttons only when updating an employee _isUpdating ? Row( children: <Widget>[ OutlineButton( child: Text( 'UPDATE' ), onPressed: () { _updateEmployee(_selectedEmployee); }, ), OutlineButton( child: Text( 'CANCEL' ), onPressed: () { setState(() { _isUpdating = false ; }); _clearValues(); }, ), ], ) : Container(), Expanded( child: _dataBody(), ), ], ), ), floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton( onPressed: () { _addEmployee(); }, child: Icon(Icons.add), ), ); } } |
Watch my youtube video to see all the above code in action.
Source Code link:
Bro, Please upload nearest people user shower using lat, long by google map project.
I am a beginner of the Android platform using flutter VSCode .two days before I have upgraded Flutter upgrade –force command. After successful upgrade, I have tried to build the app and its working in emulator but not working on my mobile phone. Error message in my phone is App Not Installed message. I am so stuck in this case. Please help me
Try uninstalling the app and reinstall after changing the package.
Its a great tutorial, Please do a video on a continuous scrolling using php and mysql (using http requests).
Thanks in advance.
Checkout my latest video tutorial here…
Shall complete your tutorial today!
Q. Can one deploy as a desktop app (platform-independent) with the local MySql file?
why my getEmployee function doesn’t work?
i tested it and it seems that “return => Employee.fromJson(json)).toList();” in ” parseResponse” doesn’t work either.
I have The same problem .
I’m new to Flutter and doesn’t know much about complex json parsing , please help me
What is the issue?
Hi all!
Hope this section isn’t closed yet.
I’ve got the same issue. In my ‘services.dart’ I have the ‘getEmployees’ function to call to my ‘actions.php’ file on the server.
This gives me back an array of javascript objects (where my objects are the employees.). I know this because one line above the ‘parseResponse’ function I printed the ‘response.body’. Within the ‘parseResponse’ I did the same as james did, so I created the ‘final parsed’ variable, then printed that this. I think I got back a list of maps but correct me if I’m wrong. However if I try ‘return => Employee.fromJson(json)).toList();’ then it goes straigt to the catch part of the try catch and gives back an empty list as the return code in the catch exception says.
Hope this clears things up a bit.
The question remains… Why doesn’t this work?
Can you help me with the exception message.. Is your json valid?
D/libc-netbsd(23007): getaddrinfo: localhost get result from proxy gai_error = 0
It keeps showing me the error above when i click the add icon button for Create Table
Are you able to access your server via browser?
I get issue when shoot this link :
SocketException: OS Error: Connection refused, errno=111, address=localhost, port=38752
Your local server is not running.
Very nice but in this blog please add “Employee.dart” so that people will not get any errors. I am new in flutter but had experience in android development.
Once again nice work.
Note: For “Employee.dart” see the video and carefully write this class.
I am using windows 10. I am trying to communicate the xamp server, but I got an error “Connection refuse”.
What should I do to resolve this issue?
Kindly reply as soon as possible.
Hello, someone can help me ? my server side(php) have this error
Notice: Undefined index: action in C:\xampp\htdocs\EmployeesDB\employee_actions.php on line 9
I`ve tried everythink, but i coundn`t manage
Kindly reply as soon as possible.
Make sure you are sending the parameters from Client side.
What ? I’m a beginner at programmation. My server side code is the same as yours
What can i do to fix ?
error: Target of URI doesn’t exist: ‘package:http/http.dart’. (uri_does_not_exist at [flutterapp1] lib\Services.dart:2)
error: The argument type ‘int’ can’t be assigned to the parameter type ‘String’. (argument_type_not_assignable at [flutterapp1] lib\DataTableDemo.dart:157)
1. package:http/http.dart’ as http;
2. Change your type of employee id from ‘String’ to ‘int’
Thanks for this, where is the file:
employee_actions.php is the server side script which I am explaining in the youtube video. Please watch and let me know if you find any difficulties.
hello bro,
below are the mediaquery error, i can’t fix it… hope it will be resolve
Installing build\app\outputs\apk\app.apk… 3.1s
Syncing files to device Android SDK built for x86 64…
I/flutter (11425): ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
I/flutter (11425): The following assertion was thrown building DataTableDemo(state: DataTableDemoState#fa534):
I/flutter (11425): MediaQuery.of() called with a context that does not contain a MediaQuery.
I/flutter (11425): No MediaQuery ancestor could be found starting from the context that was passed to MediaQuery.of().
I/flutter (11425): This can happen because you do not have a WidgetsApp or MaterialApp widget (those widgets introduce
I/flutter (11425): a MediaQuery), or it can happen if the context you use comes from a widget above those widgets.
I/flutter (11425): The context used was:
I/flutter (11425): Scaffold
I/flutter (11425):
I/flutter (11425): The relevant error-causing widget was:
I/flutter (11425): DataTableDemo file:///C:/xampps/htdocs/EmployeesDB/employees_project/lib/main.dart:5:10
I/flutter (11425):
I/flutter (11425): When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
I/flutter (11425): #0 MediaQuery.of (package:flutter/src/widgets/media_query.dart:813:5)
I/flutter (11425): #1 ScaffoldState.didChangeDependencies (package:flutter/src/material/scaffold.dart:2172:50)
I/flutter (11425): #2 StatefulElement._firstBuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4661:12)
I/flutter (11425): #3 ComponentElement.mount (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4476:5)
I/flutter (11425): … Normal element mounting (9 frames)
I/flutter (11425): #12 Element.inflateWidget (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:3446:14)
I/flutter (11425): #13 Element.updateChild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:3214:18)
I/flutter (11425): #14 RenderObjectToWidgetElement._rebuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart:1148:16)
I/flutter (11425): #15 RenderObjectToWidgetElement.mount (package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart:1119:5)
I/flutter (11425): #16 RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter.attachToRenderTree. (package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart:1061:17)
I/flutter (11425): #17 BuildOwner.buildScope (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:2607:19)
I/flutter (11425): #18 RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter.attachToRenderTree (package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart:1060:13)
I/flutter (11425): #19 WidgetsBinding.attachRootWidget (package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart:941:7)
I/flutter (11425): #20 WidgetsBinding.scheduleAttachRootWidget. (package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart:922:7)
I/flutter (11425): (elided 11 frames from class _RawReceivePortImpl, class _Timer, dart:async, and dart:async-patch)
I/flutter (11425):
I/flutter (11425): ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Syncing files to device Android SDK built for x86 64… 5,133ms (!)
You are calling MediaQuery on a wrong context
Hi, I could login before but now it is giving me an Error.
[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1).
Please help
when are you getting error?
hai..where is Employee.dart file?
Updated the Article with Employee.dart. Sorry about that.
Just wanna express my gratitude, this has been so unbelievably helpful! Very very good guide!
Hi, thanks for the video. Two questions. Flutter or Swift first, which is the best and why? Second, where is the link to download php´s and code flutter? regards
How do I insert a list in mysql with flutter?
Marcos, you can follow the same method to insert a list. Instead of sending strings, just send a json array string and insert in database.
I got this error:
The method ‘map’ was called on null.
Receiver: null
Tried calling: map(Closure: (Ticket) => DataRow)
I tried implement in my own data. When i run my url in insomnia, i get this value. Can you help me, why i get this error? Thank you.
Your array is NULL.
Hello James, i have the same issue The method ‘map’ was called on null. Receiver: null. I understand you already said the answer I’m new to flutter and i knew that your the one who made the array nulled here:
_employee = [];
even in the bitbucket you give us an nulled array can you pls help me what to do to remove the error
Thanks for this wonderful tutorial. i find the source code link broken. Is there other way to download the source?
Please check here.
I have a problem with the app.
I did all the required steps, but the values i write in first name and last name did not show up in the database. Is there a reason for this? There are no error messages.
Please check services.dart and make changes according to your server.
I got an asset from git hub
There are no particular errors,
Could not get data from table
If you don’t mind, if there is a place where you should change your assets
I would like you to tell me
Check in services.dart
Hello! I have a problem :(, after adding, updating or deleting, the text fields get stack and nothing updates unless I press the refresh button. It was working fine before 3 days
Please help! The tutorial is so perfect by the way!
I don’t understand exactly what you mean. Please check what you did in last two days.
i got an error with ur php server file
when I testing ur server file directly from web browser I got this message :
Notice: Undefined index: action in C:\laragon\www\EmployeesDB\employee_actions.php on line 10
can u help me?
You are not sending the key from the Flutter side for php to get it.
Employee insert is working I sees it in phpmyadmin, but the query get teh employees on screen gave me this result.
I/flutter ( 4715): Length: 0
I/flutter ( 4715): getEmployees >> Response:: // This file should reside on the server, not inside this app.
I/flutter ( 4715):
I/flutter ( 4715): [{“id”:”4″,”first_name”:”Bal”,”last_name”:”Jobb”},{“id”:”3″,”first_name”:”Bal”,”last_name”:”Jobb”},{“id”:”2″,”first_name”:”bbbb”,”last_name”:”kkkk”},{“id”:”1″,”first_name”:”Bal\u00e1zs “,”last_name”:”kir\u00e1ly “}]
I/flutter ( 4715): Length: 0
BTW u are pretty good bro!! Thx a lot
I recommend checking your fetch query thoroughly.
Replace this string (“// This file should reside on the server, not inside this app.”) with “”.
Here what I do:
String bodystring = response.body.replaceFirst(‘// This file should reside on the server, not inside this app.’, ”);
List list = parseResponse(bodystring);
Hope it can help u, thanks!
Pingback: #Google's Flutter Tutorial - MySQL + DataTable, SQL CRUD Operations ( - TutsFx
Pingback: Google’s Flutter Tutorial - MySQL + DataTable ( - TutsFx
Hello, i’m beginner on flutter.. I try create login app with flutter, when i running on emulator its success can login but when i try using my phone, its no response. Can you help me, what is the problem with my app?
thank you.
bonjour s’il vous plait j’essai de faire afficher sur le body la liste des nom enregistrer dans ma base mais j’ai rien . dans mon terminal il m’affiche que la longueur (0)
es difícil dar sugerencias con esta menor cantidad de información. Pruebe si obtiene algún error en la consola.
Nice tutorial.
I have the same problem with getExmplyees. Employee insert is working I sees it in phpmyadmin, but the query get teh employees on screen gave me this result.
I/flutter (18358): getEmployees >> Response:: // This file should reside on the server, not inside this app.
I/flutter (18358):
I/flutter (18358): [{“id”:”2″,”first_name”:”2322″,”last_name”:”4242″},{“id”:”1″,”first_name”:”12″,”last_name”:”1455″}]
I/flutter (18358): Length: 0
nothing shown in the table in app. But phpmyadmin those data.
Can help to solve it?
Did you check the logs to see if you are getting any error in flutter or try with dummy values in the server side or try sending the values back to Flutter and see if everything is ok.
I saw the GetEmployees >> Response
then It shows my website html content.
Am i missing anything?
Solved. Added *www* for the website address.
nice tutorial…which is my first flutter tutorial also..
It is saying creating table in the app but the table is not being created. Can you please help?
Try printing out the error from the server please.
Notice: Undefined index: action in E:\mohib_xampp\htdocs\datatable\mmovies_table.php on line 10
It is having an error on this line:
$action = $_POST[“action”];
Nice tutorial. But there is 1 big issue,
If the table consists of a lot of data, eg 5000++, (you cannot load it at once, it will overload ur server)
How to filter it after the user key in the search parameter?
Would like to search the action with the extra parameter (firstname like ‘%x%’ and lastname like ‘%x%’
Any code for this ?
Pingback: #Google's Flutter Tutorial – MySQL + DataTable, SQL CRUD Operations ( - The Small World