In this article we will see how to use a nice plugin called FlushBox in Flutter.
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First thing to do is to add dependencies.
Add Dependencies
Go to your pubspec.yaml file and add the below dependency.
dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter ... flushbar: ^1.9.1
Once done that run ‘flutter packages get’ in the terminal to download the packages to be used by your project.
Simple Snackbar
At first we will how to create a simple Snackbar.
Here is a simple example.
Flushbar( title: 'Hello there', message: 'How are you?', duration: Duration(seconds: 3), flushbarPosition: FlushbarPosition.BOTTOM, flushbarStyle: FlushbarStyle.GROUNDED, );
If you want to listen to the widget updates like showing, hiding etc, then you can add the onStatusChanged property.
onStatusChanged: (FlushbarStatus status) { switch (status) { case FlushbarStatus.SHOWING: { print('SHOWING'); break; } case FlushbarStatus.IS_APPEARING: { print('IS_APPEARING'); break; } case FlushbarStatus.IS_HIDING: { print('IS_HIDING'); break; } case FlushbarStatus.DISMISSED: { print('DISMISSED'); break; } } },
Custom BottomSheet
Let’s create a custom BottomSheet.
Flushbar flushbar; flushbar = Flushbar( title: 'Hello there', message: 'How are you?', duration: Duration(seconds: 30), flushbarPosition: FlushbarPosition.BOTTOM, flushbarStyle: FlushbarStyle.GROUNDED, reverseAnimationCurve: Curves.decelerate, forwardAnimationCurve: Curves.elasticInOut, backgroundColor:, boxShadows: [ BoxShadow( color:[800], offset: Offset(0.0, 2.0), blurRadius: 3.0, ), ], backgroundGradient: LinearGradient( colors: [Colors.blueGrey,], ), isDismissible: false, icon: Icon( Icons.check, color: Colors.yellow, ), mainButton: FlatButton( onPressed: () { flushbar.dismiss(); }, child: Text( 'DONE', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), ), ), showProgressIndicator: true, progressIndicatorBackgroundColor: Colors.blueGrey, );
All the properties are self explanatory.
You can see the results in the below screenshot.
Add Input Controls
For this we need the below variables because we are going to add a TextFormField in the BottomSheet.
TextEditingController _controller = TextEditingController(); Flushbar<List<String>> flushbar2; final GlobalKey<FormState> _formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>(); Form userInputForm; String inputVal = '';
Now we will write a function to return a TextFormField.
Here the FlushBar is Flushbar> because we are expecting a String List after the FlushBar is dismissed.
When the FlushBar is dismissed using flushbar2.dismiss, we will send a list array along with it. This is shown in the below example.
TextFormField getFormField() { return TextFormField( controller: _controller, initialValue: null, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), maxLength: 100, maxLines: 1, decoration: InputDecoration( fillColor: Colors.white12, filled: true, icon: Icon( Icons.label, color:, ), border: UnderlineInputBorder(), helperText: 'Enter Name', helperStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey), labelText: 'Type your name', labelStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey), ), ); }
Full Source code
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flushbar/flushbar.dart'; class FlushBarDemo extends StatefulWidget { // final String title = "FlushBar Demo"; @override FlushBarDemoState createState() => FlushBarDemoState(); } class FlushBarDemoState extends State<FlushBarDemo> { // Flushbar flushbar; // TextEditingController _controller = TextEditingController(); Flushbar<List<String>> flushbar2; final GlobalKey<FormState> _formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>(); Form userInputForm; String inputVal = ''; TextFormField getFormField() { return TextFormField( controller: _controller, initialValue: null, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), maxLength: 100, maxLines: 1, decoration: InputDecoration( fillColor: Colors.white12, filled: true, icon: Icon( Icons.label, color:, ), border: UnderlineInputBorder(), helperText: 'Enter Name', helperStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey), labelText: 'Type your name', labelStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey), ), ); } withInputField(BuildContext context) async { flushbar2 = Flushbar<List<String>>( flushbarPosition: FlushbarPosition.BOTTOM, flushbarStyle: FlushbarStyle.GROUNDED, reverseAnimationCurve: Curves.decelerate, forwardAnimationCurve: Curves.elasticIn, userInputForm: Form( key: _formKey, child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ getFormField(), Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomRight, child: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(20.0), child: FlatButton( child: Text('DONE'), shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(15.0), ), color: Colors.white, textColor:, padding: EdgeInsets.all(6.0), onPressed: () { flushbar2.dismiss([_controller.text, ' World']); }, ), ), ), ], ), ), ) { if (null != result) { String userInput1 = result[0]; String userInput2 = result[1]; setState(() { inputVal = userInput1 + userInput2; }); } }); } custom(BuildContext context) { flushbar = Flushbar( title: 'Hello there', message: 'How are you?', duration: Duration(seconds: 30), flushbarPosition: FlushbarPosition.BOTTOM, flushbarStyle: FlushbarStyle.GROUNDED, reverseAnimationCurve: Curves.decelerate, forwardAnimationCurve: Curves.elasticInOut, backgroundColor:, boxShadows: [ BoxShadow( color:[800], offset: Offset(0.0, 2.0), blurRadius: 3.0, ), ], backgroundGradient: LinearGradient( colors: [Colors.blueGrey,], ), isDismissible: false, icon: Icon( Icons.check, color: Colors.yellow, ), mainButton: FlatButton( onPressed: () { flushbar.dismiss(); }, child: Text( 'DONE', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), ), ), showProgressIndicator: true, progressIndicatorBackgroundColor: Colors.blueGrey, ); } normal(BuildContext context) { Flushbar( title: 'Hello there', message: 'How are you?', duration: Duration(seconds: 3), flushbarPosition: FlushbarPosition.BOTTOM, flushbarStyle: FlushbarStyle.GROUNDED, onStatusChanged: (FlushbarStatus status) { switch (status) { case FlushbarStatus.SHOWING: { print('SHOWING'); break; } case FlushbarStatus.IS_APPEARING: { print('IS_APPEARING'); break; } case FlushbarStatus.IS_HIDING: { print('IS_HIDING'); break; } case FlushbarStatus.DISMISSED: { print('DISMISSED'); break; } } }, ); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('FlushBar Demo'), ), body: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(20.0), child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch, children: <Widget>[ OutlineButton( child: Text('Show FlushBar'), onPressed: () { normal(context); }, ), OutlineButton( child: Text('Show Custom FlushBar'), onPressed: () { custom(context); }, ), OutlineButton( child: Text('Show Custom FlushBar With Input Field'), onPressed: () { withInputField(context); }, ), SizedBox( height: 20.0, ), Text(inputVal), ], ), ), ); } }