How to add button, image and textview in swiftUI?

By | July 4, 2024


In SwiftUI, you can create a button using the Button view. Here’s how you can create a simple button in SwiftUI for iOS:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
            // Action to perform when the button is tapped
            print("Button tapped!")
        }) {
            Text("Tap Me")


In the above code:

1. We create a `Button` view with an `action` closure that specifies what should happen when the button is tapped. 2. Inside the button, we provide a `Text` view with the label “Tap Me”. 3. We customize the appearance of the button by adding padding, setting the background color to blue, changing the text color to white, and rounding the corners with a corner radius of 10. You can further customize the button appearance by adding modifiers to the `Text` view inside the button. For example, you can change the font, size, or alignment of the text. To use this button in your app, you can simply add it to your main view hierarchy. For example, you can include it in a `NavigationView` or any other container view. Remember, SwiftUI provides a lot of flexibility for creating and customizing buttons and other user interface elements. Feel free to explore different modifiers and views to achieve the exact look and behavior you desire for your buttons.


In SwiftUI, you can display images using the Image view. Here’s how you can set an image in SwiftUI:

  1. Add the image to your Xcode project. Make sure the image file is included in your project assets.
  2. Use the Image view in your SwiftUI code to display the image. You can specify the name of the image asset as a parameter to the Image initializer.
import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
            .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
            .frame(width: 300, height: 300)
            .shadow(radius: 10)


In the above code:

– Replace `”your_image_name”` with the actual name of the image asset you added to your project.

– The `resizable()` modifier allows the image to be resized.

– The `aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)` modifier maintains the aspect ratio of the image and fits it within the frame.

– The `frame(width: 100, height: 100)` modifier sets the size of the image within its container.

You can further customize the appearance of the image by adding more modifiers to the `Image` view, such as changing the rendering mode, applying a clip shape, or overlaying other views on top of the image.

Remember to replace `”your_image_name”` with the actual name of the image asset in your project. If the image is in an asset catalog, you can simply use the name of the image without the file extension.

This is a basic example of how to set an image in SwiftUI. You can explore more advanced image handling techniques and modifiers based on your specific requirements.


In SwiftUI, you can add a text view using the Text view. Here’s how you can add a text view in SwiftUI:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Hello, SwiftUI!")


In the above code:

– We use the `Text` view to display the text “Hello, SwiftUI!”.

– The `font(.title)` modifier sets the font size of the text to a title size.

– The `foregroundColor(.blue)` modifier changes the text color to blue.

– The `multilineTextAlignment(.center)` modifier aligns the text in the center.

– The `padding()` modifier adds padding around the text view.

You can further customize the text view by adding more modifiers to the `Text` view. For example, you can adjust the font style, weight, line spacing, and background color of the text. In SwiftUI, text views are generally lightweight and easy to work with. You can use them to display static text or dynamic text based on your app’s requirements.

Feel free to explore different text modifiers and combinations to achieve the desired appearance for your text views in SwiftUI.

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