How to call a function after fixed time interval in Cocos2D ?
Hi, For calling a function after a definite time interval in Cocos2D, use the following code. this will call the function βyourFunctionβ after 7 seconds. π
Hi, For calling a function after a definite time interval in Cocos2D, use the following code. this will call the function βyourFunctionβ after 7 seconds. π
Hi, For adding a custom font in a UITextView, use the following code. π
Hi, For showing particle effects repeatedly in Cocos2D, use the sample code. This will show the effect ‘yourEffect’ repeatedly in your game. π
Hi, For creating a Vanity URL, which is easy to remember, for your Google Plus profiles, follow the steps. 1. Go to your Google Plus profile page 2. Copy your Google Plus ID from the URL (Your ID is the Long Digits between ‘’ & ‘posts’!) 3. Now go to ‘’ 4. Enter the Nickβ¦ Read More »
Hi, Anyone who wants a Google Plus Invitation, post your gmail id in the comments. We will sent you an invitation. Post your feedback as well. π
Hi, As most of you know already, Facebook won’t allow direct transfer of your Facebook contacts to gmail or to Google Plus. Yup, they are rivals! But there is a very simple and easy way to transfer all your facebook contacts to gmail and invite all of them via google plus. Follow the simple andβ¦ Read More »
Hi, Gmail now offers us with a new, elegant, clean and pretty Google Plus look to our Gmail. It’s all new look. Just like Google Plus. Follow these steps to enable new gmail theme similar to google plus in your gmail. 1. Click on the ‘gears’ icon on the top bar (Top Right) 2. Selectβ¦ Read More »
Hi, Want to search for an item in C Arrays, using Binary Search ? Use the following sample of code to search in C Arrays using Binary Search. Guess the output! π
Hi, For replacing a substring in C Sharp/C#, use the following lines of code.
Hi, In order to search for a particular character in a C++ string, use the following code.
Hi, In order to find whether a given string starts with a particular string or not in JAVA, use the following code.
Hi, For creating a new file using JAVA, use the following code.
Hi, Given below is a code snippet which will demonstrate an exception handling in Java with Divide by zero error. π
Hi, Given below is a simple concatenation example in JAVA where two strings are joined together to form a single string. And…the output will be.. “CoderzHeaven” π
Hi, For searching for a particular substring from a starting index of a string and get the starting index of it in JAVA, use the following sample of code. It will print out the starting index of the substring ‘co’ (the second ‘co’), that is 6. π
Hi, For searching for a particular character from a string and getting the index of that particular character, use the following code. It will print out the index of ‘o’, that’s 1. π
Hi, In order to get the UUID of an iPhone, iPod or iPad, do the following in your code. Here ‘myUUIDStr’ will contain the UUID of your specified iOS device. π
Hi, In order to make a UITextField a Password Field / Password Mode do the following. In your .h class file, In your .m class file, This will make your UITextField in a Password entry mode or a Password Field. π
Hi, In order to set the font type of UITextView, do the following. In your .h class file, In your .m class file, This will set ‘urTextView’ with font name ‘Arial Rounded MT Bold’ with font size 18. π
Hi, In order to make a UITextField with out or no border, do like this. In your .h class file, In your .m class file, Thus you will get a UITextField named urTextField without border. π
Hi, In order to sort the elements in a string array in C Sharp/C#, we use the sort() method. Given below is a simple example using sort() method to sort the elements in a string array. It will print out, Sorted string Array: urStringArray[0] = apple urStringArray[1] = coderz urStringArray[2] = heaven123 urStringArray[3] = heaven777β¦ Read More »
Hi, As you know an exception is an error that occurs during the runtime. Here is a simple exception handling example using C Sharp/C#. π
Hi, This is how you can simply rename a namespace in C Sharp/C#, This will print out ‘Hello’! π
Hi, For making non colliding bodies in Box2D, you may need to give SAME, NEGATIVE, group index to the b2FixtureDef of bodies you created. See the following code. The bodies with the above two fixture definitions won’t collide. π
Hi, For Pausing all schedulers and actions in Cocos2D, use this line. For resuming the paused schedulers and actions, use this. π