Category Archives: C & C++

How to find your Google Plus ID

By | May 6, 2013

This is so simple 1. Go to your Google + account ( 2. Click on the Profile icon on the Left. 3. If you look at the URL in the address bar, it should look something like this: 4. The long numerical string in the URL is your Google+ ID. Here is CoderzHeaven’s from… Read More »

How to get Device Orientation in Cocos2D, iPhone in Objective C?

By | June 26, 2012

Hello all…… We may need to know that what is your current device orientation. Using the below code you can do this. Note: If you have to explicitly set the orientation of your phone to any of the above you can set this in the appDelegate.m file. You can put an “||” (OR) symbol in… Read More »

C++ program to add two complex nos.

By | June 18, 2011

The program contains a class complex with two member variables x and y and a string class with one member variable. Two objects are created for complex class and string class and accepted values through read () function and their values are added using the operator overloaded function and assigned to the third object for… Read More »

C++ program append the two text files

By | May 22, 2012

Three file objects are created using the fstream class one for first, second for second file and third for the appended file. The first two files are opened in the input mode and third in the append mode. The first file is opened and checked for error condition if the file exist its contents are… Read More »

C++ program to copy the contents of a text file to another

By | June 18, 2011

Two file objects are created using the fstream class for the two files, one for source file and another destination file. The first file is opened and its contents are copied to the second file using get ( ) and put ( ) function. Each time the source file is opened error checking is done… Read More »

Playing sound on the Mac Desktop in Objective C.

By | March 11, 2011

There are different ways for playing sound on the Mac in Objective C. Let’s look at some of the methods.. 1. Play by filename. NSSound *mySound = [NSSound soundNamed:@”sound”]; if you have no file named “sound” in your application’s main bundle, then it will return nil. 2. Play by pathName sound = [[NSSound alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@”/Volumes/Audio/sound.aiff”… Read More »

Remove unwanted memory from iPhone….

By | March 5, 2011

Hi all …… You know iPhone doesnot have garbage collection like ANDROID. So it becomes the responsibility of the developer or programmer to release the resources and remove the unwanted textures from your memory. If you don’t remove the unused textures and other variables from your memory your application will exit after a while. You… Read More »

String Functions in C

By | February 23, 2011

Let’s now briefly discuss about four essential String function used in C. We are going to discuss about a) strlen() b) strcpy() c) strcat() d) strcmp() Codes speak louder than words! Let’s see what these functions do in a simple C Program. #include main() { char stringOne[15] = “CoderzHeaven”; char stringTwo[] =”Codes”; char stringThree[15]; int… Read More »