Category Archives: Objective-C

Pause And Resume iPhone Game Using Cocos2D

By | April 26, 2012

More than usually we need to apply the functions of Pause and Resume/Play for our games. In Mac’s cocos2D programming it’s more than simple. Simply use the following code for Pause & Resume where ever you want! /*For Pausing the game*/ [[CCDirector sharedDirector] pause]; [self pauseSchedulerAndActions]; //Call for pausing all schedulers and actions /*For Resuming/Playing… Read More »

How to get Device Orientation in Cocos2D, iPhone in Objective C?

By | June 26, 2012

Hello all…… We may need to know that what is your current device orientation. Using the below code you can do this. Note: If you have to explicitly set the orientation of your phone to any of the above you can set this in the appDelegate.m file. You can put an “||” (OR) symbol in… Read More »

Simulate a Balloon in Box2D, iPhone or ANDROID

By | April 24, 2012

Hello……… Sometimes you may want your body to act against the gravity of the world. One method to do this is described below. First what you have to do is to make a body in the shape of a circle and give it the image of a balloon as the userdata. Then in the tick… Read More »

Sprite Animations Without Sprite Sheets

By | April 7, 2012

You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »

Sprite Animations Without Sprite Sheets

By | April 7, 2012

You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »

Sprite Animations Without Sprite Sheets

By | April 7, 2012

You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »

Sprite Animations Without Sprite Sheets

By | June 28, 2012

You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »

iphone adjustable UITextField when keyboard popup

By | June 15, 2011

In iphone programming there is no direct method to move the UITextField above the keyboard. Instead we do some adjustment. Iphone keyboard occupies the bottom 216 pixels on the screen so the UITextField placed at the bottom will not be visible. Try this method The first function will move the UITextField to the position we… Read More »