How to take screenshot of your phone in android through code?
Hey all… This is a very simple thing to do in android. Just copy this code to see this. here is the main java file And this is the layout file main.xml
Hey all… This is a very simple thing to do in android. Just copy this code to see this. here is the main java file And this is the layout file main.xml
Shortcuts are really useful feature in android. This example also explains how to create shortcut for your app in the desktop of your android phone. This is the complete code of an application which creates a shortcut of this app in the homescreen. Note : You need to add permission for this to work. Now… Read More »
Many of our application reqiures sending data from one intent to another. This is done by putting data into one intent using putExtras() and getting it in the other intent using the getExtras() which matches the string value. However you can pass string, boolean, integer etc between intents. For passing data between intents you need… Read More »
Hello everyone… Today we will see how to customize an indeterminate progressBar in android. For that we have to create an xml with a progress animation.For this I used these three images Inside the folder res/drawable create an xml named “progress_indeterminate_horizontal.xml” and copy this code into it Now the layout file containing the progressBar.I named… Read More »
Hello all……….. Android has been absoultely wonderful for customizing widgets. I have shown a lot of example to customize ListViews, spinners etc. Today I will show you how to customize gridviews. Using this method you can actually place anything inside a gridview even a webview also. So here we start. We customize a gridview by… Read More »
Hello all………. We have seen many posts about ListViews like creating a listview, adding data to it, customizing a listview etc. Take a look at some of these examples 1. Single Selection ListView in android 2. Flitering a ListView using an input from an EditText in Android. 3. How to create a custom ListView in… Read More »
Hello android lovers, In today’s tutorial I will show you how to 1. Create a text file and save a textfile in your SDCARD in your preferred path. 2. Read the contents from the same file and show it in a TextView. For writing a file we use the FileWriter class and for reading the… Read More »
Hello all….. In today’s post I will show you how to create a single selection list in android. Here is the main.xml Now this line in the java file creates the single choice. setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice,, names)); Now this is the full java code
Hello everyone Today I will explain how will you call a function that is defined inside the java android code from a webview. For this we need to add a webviewclient in android for the WebView we are adding in the xml. Then we have to register the webviewclient with the WebView we are creating… Read More »
Hello all… I have shown a lot of examples of animations in android. Today I will show you how to show an image transition animation between two images. For that you have to create an xml named “expand_collapse.xml” inside the res/drawable folder. The contents of “expand_collapse.xml” are Now in the main.xml place an imageView to… Read More »
Hello everyone, I have already showed you how to use a SlidingViewer to create a slidingWindow. Today I will show another way to create such a window with the help of animation. Please check one of my previous posts to do this in another way. How to show a sliding window from below in Android?… Read More »
Hello everyone, in this tutorial I will show you how to start with Google Maps in android. Follow these steps while connecting to Google Maps in android. Create a project with “Google APIs” as the Base SDK. First, if you are testing the application on the Android emulator, locate the SDK debug certificate located in… Read More »
Sliding-Drawer in a nice and useful widget in android. Please check one of my previous posts to do this in another way. How to show a sliding window from below in Android? Check this new One using Navigation Drawer About Sliding drawer SlidingDrawer hides content out of the screen and allows the user to drag… Read More »
In android the default transition between activities is to slide from left to right. But with custom animations we can change that. First create a folder inside the res/drawable folder called “anim”. Then create a file named “fade.xml” and copy this code into it. create another file named “hold.xml” in the same place hold.xml. activity_animation.xml… Read More »
In android with shapes we can create beautiful layouts. Lets look at an example. Create an xml named “gradient.xml” in your drawable folder and copy this code into it. Now the main layout file main.xml The main java file. Done. You can now run the application.
Hello everyone, this is a simple example showing how to remove a view in android that is created using your xml file. This is the xml file that contains a TextView Here is the java code for removing this view After running this program you will not see the TextView that was in your layout… Read More »
Hello everyone today i will show you how to create a splash screen in android. This is one of the simplest ways to create a splash screen however there are another ways to create the splash screen. Lets look at the code. We need two layouts one for the splash screen and another for the… Read More »
Hello everyone… Today I will show you how to close all views in android in a single click of a button. Basically if you open a number of activities, each activity is stacked one above the other like a stack if you are not calling finish() on each activity. But there is a way to… Read More »
Here is a simple example on using a countdown timer in android. Here is the Layout XML(main.xml)
Hello everyone , In today’s tutorial I will show you how to how to use RadioButton group in Android. Lets go directly to the code. Let’s see the layout for the RadioGroup first. The file is named main.xml This will create a layout file with a radioGroup with 5 radioButtons and a button to clear… Read More »
Instead of using a button on the view we can use the softkeyboard done button to trigger an action. The action can include calling another activity or retrieving the data from the EditText etc. The main.xml contains an Edittext For listening to the keyboard event we need onKeyListener
Hello everyone.. In one of my tutorials I have shown you how to upload an image in android.. In todays tutorial I will show you how to download an image into your phone programatically. I am just picking up an image url from google to show the download. Previously I have shown three other methods… Read More »
Hello all.. ScrollBars are our basic needs in a UI if we have to show a content that do not fit fully into our layout. A normal scrollBar doesn’t look so beautiful, but don’t worry ANDROID is so customizable that you can customize your scrollBar also. Here is a simple demo to make a custom… Read More »
Hello everyone.. In today’s tutorial I will show you how to use camera in ANDROID in your program. In this tutorial we will be having a button which will open the camera and after taking the photo it will show it in an imageView. Note: This program will work only in the real device not… Read More »