Tag Archives: Quot

Applet FlowLayout Example

By | May 16, 2011

The FlowLayout class puts components in a row, sized at their preferred size. Creates a new flow layout manager with the indicated alignment and the indicated horizontal and vertical gaps. The hgap and vgap arguments specify the number of pixels to put between components. The output window look like this

How to split a String in ANDROID?

By | May 5, 2011

Hi all….. Splitting a string in android is really easy.checkout the following snippet. Check the Logcat for output. Note: Make sure to put the escape character before the delimiter for splitting,otherwise the output may be each character.

Showing Twitter updates on Blogger/Blogspot

By | April 24, 2011

Hi, If you want to show the latest twitter update of yours in your blogger/blogspot, then use the following steps. 1. Go to your blogger ‘Design’ 2. Click ‘Add A Gadget’ 3. Add ‘HTML/JavaScript’ 4. Paste the following JavaScript code into it and save 5. Done! Note : Replace ‘SampleURL’ with your twitter id &… Read More »

How to rotate a body manually in Box2D?

By | June 21, 2012

The below code helps you to rotate a body in Box2D manually. Here the body is named “rotating_body” which is going to rotate and a sprite named “rot_sprite” is it’s userData, please give your own image for it. Make sure that you have it in your resources otherwise your program will crash. Note: call this… Read More »