Tag Archives: Radius

How to create a Slide from Left animation while deleting a row from a ListView in Android?

By | September 13, 2012

Hello all…… I have written a lost of posts on Listviews. You can see that by just searching Listviews in my site. Today I will show you how to create a slide out animation while we delete a row from a ListView. So this is the xml that contains the ListView. Let it be in… Read More »

How to create a widget in android?

By | June 4, 2012

Hello everyone… Today I will show you how to create a simple widget in android? First create a new project and name it “Widget1” and name the activity “WidgetDemo1“. Actually we dont need the activity class here. You can delete it and delete the corresponding entry of it from the AndroidManifest file also. Now we… Read More »

ListView with Sections in android.

By | May 3, 2013

Hello all………. We have seen many posts about ListViews like creating a listview, adding data to it, customizing a listview etc. Take a look at some of these examples 1. Single Selection ListView in android 2. Flitering a ListView using an input from an EditText in Android. 3. How to create a custom ListView in… Read More »

Applying a shape to xml in android

By | April 15, 2011

By adding a custom shape we can make the layout more attractive. For this we have to create a xml file and specify this in the main layout xml file First make a xml inside the drawable folder. Then in the main file specify this shape like this. The “category” is the name of the… Read More »

How to shoot a bullet in the direction of touch in Box2D iphone?

By | December 10, 2012

write the below code in “ccTouchesBegan” function and you are done. Here the ballBody represents the bullet body. You can increase the power variable to increase bullet speed.