Using of CCWaves in iPhone
CCWaves is one of the interesting functionalities in Cocos2D iphone. Check out this following snippet to see how it works. Please leave your valuable comments on this post………………….
CCWaves is one of the interesting functionalities in Cocos2D iphone. Check out this following snippet to see how it works. Please leave your valuable comments on this post………………….
Hi, While using cocos2D you may need to create some scenes with menu items on it. This example given below shows , how to create a cocos2D menu scene with menu items using images. You can have your own custom fancy image text indicating menu items using this.
For showing a number of animations sequentially in Cocos2D we use the CCSequence. CCSequence can accept a number of actions as parameters which will be executed in sequence , ie one after another. Here is a sample code to so this. /* This action will scale my_sprite */ id scaleTo = [CCScaleTo actionWithDuration:4 scale:1.5]; /*This… Read More »